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14 June, 2023

Community: travelers and owners

How to register as a new user?

To register you only need to create a username, password and provide contact information to book. If you prefer you can log in directly from a Gmail account and save some steps.

To register on the elite Apartments website just follow the following steps under the following process:

1. You must go to the home page of the site by going to the top right section of the main menu and click on the login option.

2. After clicking on this option you will proceed to register in the following way which can be by manual registration or registration through a Gmail account, as shown in the following image.
When creating a manual account you will have to fill the following fields to be able to register, being the registration with the Gmail account the process is even faster since only the Gmail account will be validated and after this you will be able to enter as a registered user, the visual once registered would be the following one:

3. By being registered the elite user will be able to make reservations on the web and you will get benefits for your registration. promotions and discounts for being part of our elite travelers, make property inquiries, reservation requests and instant reservations of any of our properties listed on the web.

Register now and book your next vacation rental for days at Elite Apartments

Category: Community
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