Property types
In Elite Apartments you can find a wide range of properties to choose from according to your taste and/or needs, in several cities of the country.
These include daily or monthly rental apartments, ocean view apartments, cabins, glampings, estates, beach houses, premium apartments, exceptional locations and rooms.
Each of these types of properties can be found on our website in the main menu, section: properties, which breaks down in detail the categories mentioned above and a main section where all types of properties in the catalog are listed. These can be seen more clearly in the following image:

For our clients we always have new alternatives of properties thanks to our continuous expansion and new commercial alliances, so when you enter the properties section you can list all our active properties in the different territories of Colombia, here you can filter all the properties by city, type of property and department which will make easier your queries regarding the place you want to visit. By means of the following view you will be able to determine all the filters previously mentioned:

We are proud to provide our lodging service to thousands of travelers for so many years, so if you want to travel to any destination in Colombia to rent an apartment, house, finca, glamping, premium apartments, exceptional places, cabin or any other type of property, you can always count on us, Elite Apartments your allies in the adventure. The properties preferred by our travelers are those facing the sea, being the premium line most desired by travelers in Cartagena, with our great allies illuminato.
Category: Properties