Community: Travelers and Owners
Advice on documentation for the issuance of the Rnt.
This article is focused for all those people who wish to enter the business of renting properties per day or vacation rental and require a legal support that endorses the Colombian state regarding this tourist activity determined as a document called RNT (national tourism registration), this tool requires certain documentation necessary to be granted to those interested in placing one or more properties in the vacation rental activity.
We provide legal advice and accompaniment in this process so that you have the correct documentation at the time of this procedure and do not make mistakes during the process.
To start with this process you must take into account two phases which begin as follows
We provide legal advice and accompaniment in this process so that you have the correct documentation at the time of this procedure and do not make mistakes during the process.
To start with this process you must take into account two phases which begin as follows

- RNT Registration Process:1.1 Access the National Tourism Registry (RNT) website and register to obtain your username and password.
1.2 With your username and password, log in and fill in the necessary data to obtain the credentials and enter the application.
Follow the step-by-step instructions in the application to complete the RNT registration process. “It is not necessary to make any payment for this application”, since Decree 2063 of 2018 eliminated the payment of the Registration Tax.
short duration which demonstrates its global reach and influence.

2. Important Regulations Related to the RNT:
Following these regulations as required for the management of the process of issuing this document will guarantee a guaranteed response to the initial request to grant such document, therefore you should take into account the following laws and decrees set forth by the Colombian state when requesting this document and thus avoid any inconvenience during the process.
Law 300 of 1996: Creates the RNT and establishes that all tourism service providers must be registered in it.
Decree 2295 of 2014: Establishes the updating of information in the RNT and the requirements for registration, updating and cancellation.
Registration Obligation: Any property rented for tourism purposes, including houses, apartments and other types of accommodations, must be registered in the RNT.
Safety and Quality Standards: Vacation rental properties must comply with local safety, hygiene and quality standards.
Payment of Parafiscal Contribution: Owners must pay a contribution to the National Tourism Fund (FONTUR), which is a percentage of gross income.
Responsibility to Consumers: Comply with consumer protection laws, offering clear and accurate information on services and prices.
Decree 2438 of 2015: imposes sanctions and fines for non-compliance related to the RNT.
Following all of the above taking into account the Promotion of Responsible Tourism Encouraging responsible and sustainable tourism practices, complying with environmental laws and promoting local culture would give way to the purpose of this guide which is to promote the legality of this economic activity that grows day by day and in turn generate awareness of the laws that support tourism activities and how we can improve in the course of time.
Following these regulations as required for the management of the process of issuing this document will guarantee a guaranteed response to the initial request to grant such document, therefore you should take into account the following laws and decrees set forth by the Colombian state when requesting this document and thus avoid any inconvenience during the process.
Law 300 of 1996: Creates the RNT and establishes that all tourism service providers must be registered in it.
Decree 2295 of 2014: Establishes the updating of information in the RNT and the requirements for registration, updating and cancellation.
Registration Obligation: Any property rented for tourism purposes, including houses, apartments and other types of accommodations, must be registered in the RNT.
Safety and Quality Standards: Vacation rental properties must comply with local safety, hygiene and quality standards.
Payment of Parafiscal Contribution: Owners must pay a contribution to the National Tourism Fund (FONTUR), which is a percentage of gross income.
Responsibility to Consumers: Comply with consumer protection laws, offering clear and accurate information on services and prices.
Decree 2438 of 2015: imposes sanctions and fines for non-compliance related to the RNT.
Following all of the above taking into account the Promotion of Responsible Tourism Encouraging responsible and sustainable tourism practices, complying with environmental laws and promoting local culture would give way to the purpose of this guide which is to promote the legality of this economic activity that grows day by day and in turn generate awareness of the laws that support tourism activities and how we can improve in the course of time.

Category: Community