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10 August, 2023


The National Tourism Registry: Everything You Need to Know About the RNT in Colombia

The National Tourism Registry (RNT) in Colombia is a required legal element that seeks to regulate and control the activities related to the tourism industry in the country. Registration in this registry is mandatory for all companies and establishments offering tourism services, including vacation rental properties.

The following is a description of the most important regulations related to the RNT that are relevant to this sector and to those persons interested in using or listing such property for vacation rental activity to generate additional income under Colombian law.

1. Law 300 of 1996: This law establishes the general provisions for tourism in Colombia and creates the RNT. According to this law, all tourism service providers must be registered in the RNT.

2. Decree 2295 of 2014: This decree establishes the updating of information in the RNT and points out the requirements, terms and conditions for registration, updating and cancellation in the registry.

3. Registration Obligation: Any property that is rented for tourism purposes must be registered in the RNT. This includes houses, apartments, cabins, glamping, studio apartments and any type of accommodation offered for tourists.

4. Safety and Quality Standards: Vacation rental properties must comply with local rules and regulations in terms of safety, hygiene, and quality. This may include fire protection regulations, occupational health and safety, and customer service standards.

5. Payment of Parafiscal Contribution: Owners must pay a parafiscal contribution to the National Tourism Fund (FONTUR). This contribution is generally a percentage of gross income and is used to promote and develop tourism in Colombia.

6. Responsibility to Consumers: Tourism service providers, including vacation rental properties, must comply with consumer protection laws in Colombia. This involves providing clear and accurate information about services, prices and other relevant terms and conditions.

7. Decree 2438 of 2015: This decree imposes sanctions and fines for not complying with the registration in the RNT or for providing false information. Penalties may range from economic fines to cancellation of registration in the RNT.

8. Promotion of Responsible Tourism: Tourism service providers are encouraged to follow responsible and sustainable tourism practices, complying with environmental laws and promoting local culture and heritage.

Category: Policies
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