Most visited destinations
Elite Apartments has a list of properties around Colombia where each one is special for its shape, amenities, location and experience to offer for those who decide to stay with us, so the following list takes into account those destinations preferred by our travelers when starting their vacation experience:
Cartagena de Indias: One of the most famous and visited cities in Colombia, Cartagena is known for its history and architectural beauty. The Walled City, its historic center, is a World Heritage Site. Visitors are dazzled by the beautiful city, which can be explored in its various cobblestone streets, flowered balconies and brightly colored colonial buildings, fortresses and museums, giving this city an incredible appeal that makes a stay in any of our properties that much more valuable.

Bogota: The capital of Colombia is a cultural and economic center. Bogota offers a mix of modern and old, with skyscrapers alongside colonial neighborhoods such as La Candelaria. Visitors can explore the famous Gold Museum, climb Monserrate for a panoramic view of the city, or visit the vibrant Paloquemao market, to fully enjoy your stay you can visit any of our properties in this city, specifically our Glamping which are our main attraction for this area where enjoying the moment as a couple commemorates the stay in the best way for your travel experience.

Antioquia: one of the largest departments of Colombia with a great cultural and natural diversity exposes a number of places to explore during your stay so we rename in a very short way what you can find during your stay in any of our properties: initially you can visit Guatapé which has near the peñol one of the most visited tourist sites for its incredible panoramic view of the area towards the lake and nearby nature reserves, among other nearby places like Jericó, santa fe de Antioquia, jardín and arví park which offer a mix of old colonial architecture, nature reserves, parks and diversity in art and postmodern architecture.

Eje Cafetero: This region, comprising the departments of Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda, is famous for its high quality coffee. Visitors can take coffee tours to learn about the cultivation and production process, visit the beautiful town of Salento, and explore the stunning Cocora Valley, home to the tallest wax palms in the world, every aspect of visiting this incredible place will always be enlivened by any of our elite accommodations where your needs, family, friend or partner will be taken into account to make the most of the experience as you begin your adventure.

San Andres and Providencia: These islands in the Colombian Caribbean are famous for their white sand beaches and crystal clear waters. Visitors can snorkel or dive, explore the coral reef, or just relax on the beach are some of the activities to do once you are in any of our accommodations, we recommend you to read the following article if you want more information about the travel experience in San Andres and things you should know if you want to come to San Andres.

Santa Marta: With its proximity to Tayrona Park and the Lost City, Santa Marta is a popular base for adventurers. In addition, it offers beaches, nightlife, and a historic center with colonial architecture, all this and more will be close to our elite accommodations in this incredible city where exploring every aspect of the trip will be intertwined with quality accommodations that will offer the best in comfort and availability as required by our visitors.